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Firebase Push Notifications


Only to be used with a mediator agent.

Allows mobile agents to send firebase tokens to the mediator service. The mediator service creates a connection with the firebase server and will relay push notifications to the mobile agent on mediator forwarding events on the event_bus.


New Message



To use the push notification protocol plugin you must have a firebase project to send the notifications to and a service account json file with Firebase Service Management Service Agent roles.

In the project .env file you need to supply the information in the Firebase Plugin Configuration section.

FIREBASE_NOTIFICATION_TITLE=You have important information in your digital wallet
FIREBASE_NOTIFICATION_BODY=Please open your wallet
FIREBASE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT={ flattend service account json }
  • FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID can be found in the firebase console
  • FIREBASE_NOTIFICATION_TITLE and FIREBASE_NOTIFICATION_BODY is the information displayed in the push notification